Pelô for adults

Largo Terreiro de Jesus, 03 - Pelourinho, Salvador - BA, 40026-010
4 horas - 6 horas
Quincas Berro D'Água. Foto: Fábio Marconi
Largo Pedro Arcanjo, durante o show do Gerônimo. Foto: Fábio Marconi
Bar O Cravinho. Foto: Fábio Marconi
Bar O Cravinho. Foto: Fábio Marconi
Bar O Cravinho. Foto: Fábio Marconi
Largo Terreiro de Jesus. Foto: Fábio Marconi/Arquivo
Largo Teresa Batista. Foto: Fábio Marconi
Foto: Fábio Marconi
BIERGARTEN. Foto: Antonio Cherquer
BIERGARTEN. Foto: Antonio Cherquer

About the tour

The soteropolitan parties have a “Highlander” mood. That’s because, in many cases, they start very early, just after sunset. Which is the case when you are in the Historic Center. The Squares close at midnight, like Largo Tereza Batista, Pedro Arcanjo and Quincas Berro D’Água. Stay tuned to the local night clock, so you don’t miss the time and bump on locked doors or find no more tickets to enter.

Cravinho to start

O Cravinho Bar is always a sure destination for the Festivals in Pelourinho. Photo: Fábio Marconi

This is one of those meeting places, for both visitors and locals. The bar is always filled when there are parties in the squares, and in religious celebrations, like Santa Barbara’s Party, when the bar was already full since 11:00 am, opening hour. Created in the 80’s, it is known for its infusions and its decoration. The most requested shot is the one that names the place, made with cachaça, cloves, honey and lemon.

The famous Square’s parties

The famous Square’s parties. Largo Pedro Arcanjo, during the show of the great Gerônimo, “O Pagador de Promessas”. Photo: Fábio Marconi

There are several frequent shows at Pelourinho. Olodum Rehearsals usually take place in Largo Tereza Batista. In Pedro Arcanjo, on Tuesdays, the great Gerônimo (“O Pagador de Promessas”) makes the show. This year, these squares will receive exponents of contemporary Bahian music, as well as great names in national music. Stay tuned on our schedule at “Vai Rolar”.

Parties and entertainment

One of the Biergarten editions, at Trapiche Barnabé. Photo: Uran Rodrigues

When the shows are over, it’s time to look for what’s going on in town. This is a list of parties that have been shaking the structures wherever they go. Many of them have a cultural relevance, aesthetic and artistic positioning. Each one is from a different tribe, so research, find yours and have fun. Take notes: Batekoo Party, Kalor, Jabuticaba Sound System and Nozmoskada. The ones that happen right after sunset are: Bailinho de Quinta, Ministereo Public Sistema de Som, Flow Festival and Biergarten. And what do they have in common? Besides the pure fun and the musical quality, all have occupied or still occupy spaces in the Historical Center as: Oficina de Investigação Cultural (Cultural Research Workshop), Jardim das Delícias (Garden of Delights), Ladeira da Misericórdia (Misericórdia Slope), Courtyard of Santo Antônio Além do Carmo Church, the stairs of Barroquinha and Trapiche Barnabé. We hope that the movement will continue through the Historic Center. Our Summer Schedule appreciate that!


Cravinho Bar
Address: Largo Terreiro de Jesus, 03 – Pelourinho, Salvador-BA, 40026-010

Largo Tereza Batista
Address: Gregório de Matos Street, 6 – Pelourinho, Salvador-BA, 40026-010

Largo Pedro Arcanjo
Address: 010, Gregório de Matos Street – Pelourinho, Salvador-BA

Largo Quincas Berro D’Água
Address: Açouguinho Street, 12 – Pelourinho, Salvador-BA, 40025-180

By Fernanda Slama
Content Coordinator

Photos: Fábio Marconi


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