Dique do Tororó

Salvador - BA, 40301-110
Tourist attractions
Dique do Tororó. Foto Uiler Costa.
Dique do Tororó e Arena da Fonte Nova. Foto: Uiler Costa.

Dique do Tororó: one of the city’s postcards that honors Candomblé

Only natural water source of Salvador city registered by IPHAN (Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage), Dique do Tororó is one of Salvador’s postcards and it’s very popular among the residents. Wooded walks, running tracks, fishing decks, rowing lanes, pedal boats, restaurants, amphitheater, playground and the beautiful sculptures that represent the Orixás of Candomblé, signed by the plastic artist Tati Moreno, float in the lagoon water mirror giving special beauty to Dique. In front of Arena Fonte Nova, a beautiful day tour and especially charming in the late afternoon and evening, when the lighting of the lagoon is on.


Dique do Tororó
Address: Vasco da Gama Ave, no number (Pres. Costa e Silva), Nazaré, Salvador
For free
Important: outdoor tour.